The North American Chapter of the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS North America) has established an Excellence in Service Award to recognize members who have shown outstanding leadership and dedication to the objectives of the chapter or the geosynthetics industry. The inaugural IGS North America Service Award (or awards) will be issued at Geosynthetics 2019.
The event, to be held 10 – 13 February 2019 in Houston, is where IGS-NA will hold its general meeting. The chapter will also host its Student Presentation Contest.
Nominations for award recipients may be made at any time by IGS-NA members or the IGS-NA Board of Directors. The extended deadline for consideration is 3 December 2018. Please send your nominations to Dr. Richard W.I. Brachman, P.Eng., FEIC by email at Richard.Brachman@QueensU.ca.
Service Award recipients must be IGS North America members in good standing, or must have been members in good standing at the time the services to be recognized were performed.
Recipients may be individuals (one or more than one), corporations, or students.
Those considered for the award shall have excelled with regard to one or more of the following criteria:
- Provided leadership in advancing geosynthetics education and research
- Created opportunities to collect, evaluate and disseminate knowledge on all matters relevant to geosynthetics, and their application
- Organization of technical conferences, seminars, and workshops
- Advanced training of current users of geosynthetics
- Advancement of the science and technology of geosynthetics and their applications
- Training future users of geosynthetics
- Training geosynthetic educators
- Promotion of geosynthetics as part of engineering curricula
- Targeting impactful new Members of IGS-NA
- Better communication with Members of IGS-NA
- Enhanced partnerships with associated organizations
Learn more about IGS North America at www.IGS-NA.org.
If you have questions, please contact info@IGS-NA.org.