The December 2014 issue of Land and Water Magazine ( includes an extensive piece on “Independent, Full-Scale Evaluation of Erosion and Sediment Control BMPs.” Authored by C. Joel Sprague (TRI Environmental), Peter Kemp (Wisconsin DOT), and Katheryn Malusky (AASHTO NTPEP), the article describes the development of full-scale testing in erosion control materials, current standards, emerging standards, and the newer sediment control bmp full-scale evaluations.
Download a copy here (PDF)
They write: “Just as the slope and channel evaluations initiated in 2009 are now producing a wealth of valuable information to the field, the 2014 NTPEP protocols for SRDs [sediment retention devices] are opening a new chapter for testing and product evaluation.”
Other articles in the issue include:
- 40 Year History of Pond Construction
- Changing Designs with Geosynthetic Clay Liners (GCLs)
- Removing Dams, Restoring Rivers
- Low Impact Development (LID)
- Enhanced Barrier Systems
- And more
This article seems like a really interesting read. I will have to make a mental note to read it when I have some time. The part that you quoted about the new protocols opening a new chapter for testing and evaluation is interesting. I think this is particularly pertinent because of the information the field has gained from the changes in 2009. This is important for those who feel that the new protocols are a hard change to implement.
I agree with Sean, that should be very interesting to read through. I’ve always been pretty curious about standards and materials involved in erosion control. It should be neat to see what is in place now, and what they’re testing for future use.
This article is indeed a great post. I hope that as I read this article there will be more tips and advice that will be useful in sediment and erosion control.
Hi Chris Kelsey,
Thank you for sharing this post. This is such a great, interesting and helpful article. Keep on posting informative articles.