Denver Down Research Facility, IECA Southeast Field Day
An example of the large-scale testing at DDRF

The International Erosion Control Association Southeast Chapter (IECA Southeast) will host its annual Field Day on 24 September 2015 at the Denver Downs Research Facility (DDRF) in Anderson, South Carolina. The full-day event includes up to 6.5 professional development hour (PDH) credits.
DDRF is an outdoor laboratory that enables full-scale, standardized testing of erosion and sediment control materials. It is operated by TRI Environmental.
The program for the IECA Southeast Field Day 2015 offers a combination of presentations and product/design demonstrations. Presentations include:

  • BMP Installations in South Carolina – Jill Stewart, SCDHEC
  • BMP Design vs. Actual Installation – J.P. Johns, Woolpert
  • Index Testing Protocols – Joel Sprague, TRI
  • Clemson University Research Projects – Dr. Charles Privette and Dr. Cal Sawyer, Clemson University
  • BMP Installations, the Good, Bad and Ugly – Dr. J.C. Hayes and Dr. Cal Sawyer, Clemson University

A half-day of demonstrations is part of the program too.
Lunch and breaks are included. Vendor and sponsor support has kept the cost for the event quite low.
DDRF, near Clemson University, is located within a mile of many hotels. Download the event general flyer (PDF) for hotel names and numbers and additional details.
The online registration portal also has information for interested vendors.
Learn more about DDRF here.