Waterproof Membranes 2012AMI is pleased to invite you to take part in the 6th international conference on Waterproof Membranes to be held from 11–13 December at the Hotel Nikko in Düsseldorf, Germany. There is a welcome reception on the first evening followed by a 2-day programme of speakers. Dusseldorf is a renowned business hub with a major international airport, making it an ideal location for this global conference.

As climate change continues to reap devastation, the civil engineering and construction industries are utilising waterproof membranes to limit and alleviate the effects from flood barriers and geosynthetic tubes to low energy roofing. Polymer modified-bitumen and single-ply waterproofing are well established technologies used for decades: this is leading to the need to replace some due to weathering and wear and tear. Researchers are taking the opportunity to examine aged membranes to aid lifetime prediction under different conditions, from arid sun in Arizona to chemical exposure in landfill.

Waterproof Membranes 2012 offers a place to network for researchers, architects, civil engineers, manufacturers and suppliers, to discuss industry trends and new developments, and the best membranes for each application from the depths of the ground to the the heights, from road tunnels and dams to green roofs.

Call for papers

Papers are invited on all aspects of waterproofing in roofing and geombrane applications, including:

  • Innovations
  • Markets and trends
  • Materials and manufacturing
  • Quality control, certification, testing and properties
  • Lifetime prediction membrane selection for: low energy roofing, solar-integrated membranes, geomembrane liners, floating covers, commercial roofing, geosynthetic tubes, green roofs, water storage, etc.

Speakers attend the conference free of charge and have a 30 minute slot including 5 minutes for questions. Papers are required in PowerPoint format 8 weeks prior to the conference. If you would like to speak, please note that the deadline for sending a short summary to me is 25th May 2012.

Attending, Exhibiting or Sponsoring

Please contact Giulia Esposito for details of early bird registration rates, exhibition space and sponsoring this conference. Email: ge@amiplastics.com, +44 117 924 9442.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions. I look forward to seeing paper offers by 25th May.

Dr Sally Humphreys, Business Development Manager, Applied Market Information Ltd, +44 117 924 9442, sh@amiplastics.com.