Wesley Michael, CCR Market, Propex GeosolutionsPropex GeoSolutions is increasing its profile in the coal combustion residuals market. The company announced the addition of Wesley Michael as its CCR Market Segment Manager. Michael is an energy industry veteran who brings considerable project management and coordination experience in CCR regulatory compliance.
His previous work at Talen Energy included inspection, operations, and reporting for active impoundments and closure of disposal basins.
The geosynthetics field, in general, has been building its energy-applications talent pool, in the wake of the EPA’s Subtitle D-oriented rule changes on how the CCR market handles and disposes of waste. The need for coal combustion residual-related engineering and project management expertise has risen sharply.
Geosynthetics already provide an enormous number of functional environmental and performance functions to waste management applications, and those same materials are being called upon now for the CCR market.
Propex, for example, has developed a geotextile fabric with filtration properties engineered specific to coal combustion residual management. That geotextile is used on COALDRAIN® geocomposites. Other Propex products used in relation to waste management and coal ash projects include geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs), ARMORMAX® Anchor Reinforced Vegetation System (ARVS), PYRAMAT® High Performance Turf Reinforcement Mats (HPTRMs), LANDLOK® Turf Reinforcement Mats (TRMs), and the separation and slope stabilization series of GEOTEX® woven and nonwoven geotextiles.
Wesley Michael is based in Pennsylvania.
Visit www.propexglobal.com for more information on the company’s CCR market, geosynthetic materials, and affiliated engineering expertise.